Saturday, April 30, 2016

Journey, Day 20 ... The REAL deal

Today marks the half-way point of our journey.  You may be surprised that so much of our thought and focus has been inward to this point. Looking intentionally inward is an important discipline for followers of Jesus, but only if the focus is on God’s truth and how it affects our lives. We’ve all known people who do nothing BUT focus on their own lives … their riches and accomplishments or their troubles and hurts. That’s not a right focus. It leads either to pride or worry and does not draw others to find God for themselves.

When we focus on God’s truth and his character as revealed in Scripture, we become.  We don’t need to perform or to be good enough to come to God. Instead we find a growing desire to be more like him … the One in whose image we are made. It’s really an amazing thing!  God’s desire for us is exactly what makes us most ourselves. Ahhhh!

The Treasury Department trains people to become expert at spotting counterfeit currency.  You would think that they point out the errors and mistakes to watch for in phony money, but that isn’t what they do at all.  Experts are given genuine currency to study, to touch, to fold and crumple and even smell and in that familiarity they learn to spot anything that isn’t the real thing. You know where I’m going here.  As we walk with God, we are able to recognize him in our own lives and in this confusing world around us. The Bible calls this discernment.  

As you journey today, focus on Jesus and the way he lives and loves. Just think about THAT personality and give thanks that you have been created to be like that …the real deal. 

“LORD Jesus, you are such a lovely example of true love!  Help me recognize you in the people I meet, and help the people I meet recognize you in me.”

Friday, April 29, 2016

Journey, Day 19 ... Who will you be?

The question for today is simply this: who will you be?  Not who are you or what have you done, but what did God have in mind when he fashioned your unique self?

As you journey, ask God to give you a glimpse of what you are intended to become. Think about Jesus meeting Peter and telling him "you are Simon, but you will be Peter."  Strange thing to say … unless the one saying it knew Simon better than Simon knew himself.  The gospels show us an excellent story of this one disciple becoming who he was created to be: Peter!
He was impetuous and out-spoken and kept making mistakes and getting correction. He cut off a guys ear trying to protect Jesus, tried to correct Jesus moments after calling him the Christ, and denied he even knew Jesus.  Then in the book of Acts we see him becoming a strong leader who still occasionally messed up.  He was a work in progress. By the time we get to the books Peter wrote at the end of his life, there are glimpses of a mature, godly personality emerging: still Peter, but now a much better Peter.  His personality was formed by spending time in relationship with Jesus. It took a life time. Read these words from Peter’s pen.  It’s hard to believe it’s the same guy that God the Father had to interrupt on the Mount of Transfiguration!

I Peter 3: 14-16  “…in your hearts revere Christ as LORD.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.”

I believe that each one of us will become more what we were created to be as we spend time with Jesus.  Isn’t that what we ultimately want out of life, to become what we were created to be?  Especially if you are facing decisions and choices.  The more familiar you get with the personality of Jesus and the more you learn to recognize how he handles situations, the more like him you can become. Faith isn't about religion.  It’s about walking well through your life in the company of God and letting who he is change you.

Ask.  Listen.  Imagine what God has in mind for you.  Can you thank him for progress you are already noticing?  How cool is that!?

“LORD Jesus, make me more myself today, according to your design.  Help me realize that this is my heart’s desire … and yours.”

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Journey Day 18, WHO SAYS?

Keeping it simple today... or maybe not.

Oswald Chambers writes this about obedience … obedience is not always good, and disobedience is not always sinful. One MUST identify and recognize who is behind everything we choose to obey. We obey Christ … nobody else.  Thought provoking. Many a soul begins to come to God when he flings off being religious, because there is only one Master of the human heart, and that is not religion but Jesus Christ...."

Seems to me a lot of guilt-ridden people have not looked carefully to see who is behind the rules by which they live. Jesus doesn’t want us to live in guilt. What he tells us is straight forward, and the consequences of our choices are life or death, but not guilt.  We are made to live free, to think and to choose freely.  Guilt is always a sign of something that needs to be dealt with, not a condition of a holy life.  It’s a symptom, not a badge.  Guilt means one has either not recognized a sin, has not confessed it to the ONE who has already forgiven it, or doesn’t believe that what Jesus did was enough.  Read that again.

I’m praying today that you find guilt-free joy in fellowship with the One who loves you.  As you journey, let freedom in Christ be your goal.  Guilty people do not convey the good news of forgiveness well.  Get yourself free first and you will see people all around you who need to see what freedom looks like.  Begin praying for them and for God to minister peace and freedom through you.

You can do this.

"LORD Jesus, what you have done IS enough to cover me.  Thank you so much.”

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Journey, Day 17 ... sparrows

Luke 12: 6&7
6 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies?  Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.  7 Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

What a strange verse of Scripture to ponder today ... or it it?
The fact is, God Almighty is more in tune with our lives than we ever imagined. Scripture teaches us that he loves his WHOLE creation, even the birds.  Remember Genesis 1.  God hasn't changed since Creation. Every step recorded in Genesis 1 (please read it with emotion) we hear God say, "It's GOOD!"  I hear delight as God brings something out of nothing .... creating a habitable place in which his people will live.  It's good!  It's good!!  Then comes the purpose of the physical world, and with the creation of human male and female God says, "It is VERY good!"  Again, hear his delight.

The story of Noah is about God’s provision for ALL his creatures.  At the end of the book of Jonah God mentions his love for all those simple people as well as all the animals.  The book of Job is filled with God detailing the behaviors of all his created beings. The Psalms NOTICE creation and thank the Creator.   Over and over … we get the picture that God actually loves what he has made and cares for the details of life and death with great intimacy. The more I study Scripture, the bigger God gets. He created, sustains and cares for ALL of his creation in ways we may not have even considered.

As you journey today, NOTICE.  Notice God’s creatures, great and small. Let him develop a deeper love in you for the created world around you. Spend time giving thanks for the small things you notice.  Why so many colors?  So much variety?  Different smells and tastes and textures?  Why?  For God’s own delight and that of his human image bearers!  That’s you and me!! It's all about you and me.  Honestly, how many shades of green can you see just from your window?  

That’s enough for today.  So happy to be journeying with you each toward your individual goals.

“LORD Jesus, take my 5 senses today and heighten them so that I notice the things I have missed everyday.  I want to notice what you have made and give you praise for it all.  Please help me.”

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Journey, Day 16 TOTALLY NEW!

Hi ladies.
Today, I'd like you to consider what Paul told the church at Ephesus about what Jesus followers should be like.  (From the 4th chapter of Ephesians)
Expect better of yourself, for God's sake.  Be a new person. Don't talk people down, but instead offer words that they need ... that will build them up.  Be truthful.  Don't act stupidly when you're angry.  Stop taking what isn't yours and get to work on your own life.... (4:32)"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."  Walk in the way of love.  Then he adds ..."and do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God  ..."

Wow.  I know you can see the relevance of this wisdom to our world right now.
I would vote for someone who could make this happen.  I would follow someone who could set such an example. (I do.)  We begin by doing these things ourselves, and as we do, we become new women.  New!  Not fixed. Not even improved. New.  

Here's what I'm thinking. There is power in that little book of Ephesians.  It was written into a 1st century culture, but the principles are true today.  Have you ever just read it like a letter? Do that. Then do it again. Own it. It’s for you and it's amazing.

I’m praying for your sense of good and right to be honed by God's Word today, and that you will want to act like a new woman, powered by the Spirit of God.  Those nearest to you should notice without you saying a word. I'm assuming if doing wrong grieves God,  that doing right delights.  Give it your best shot.  Delight God. :)

“LORD Jesus, walk with me today.  Keep reminding me that I’m not a fixed person or even an improved version of myself … your love has made me NEW!  Help me journey today like a new person.  I’d like to delight you today.”

Monday, April 25, 2016

Journey, Day 15, "Jesus, help yourself to my life ..."

This morning I want to bring you some words from Oswald Chambers:
"Paul focuses Jesus Christ's idea of a New Testament saint in his life, viz., not one who proclaims the Gospel merely, but one who becomes broken bread and poured out wine in the hands of Jesus Christ for others lives. ...The real test of the saint is not preaching the gospel, but washing disciples’ feet..."

How true!  Our lives are touched and molded and changed the most by interactions with others.  Words can be misspoken and misunderstood, but actions over time get people’s attention. Consistent kindness helps me remember that I am not a Christian so I can talk about it, but so that I can represent Jesus in a world he loves.

As you journey today, notice the people you encounter and be aware of the opportunity you have to be kind, in Jesus name. My prayer is that by prayer and small acts of love, your own life will be an illustration of Jesus to someone.

“Paul became a sacramental personality; wherever he went, Jesus Christ helped Himself to his life.”  (again, Chambers.)
Wouldn’t it be amazing to be known as someone THAT connected to Christ?

“LORD Jesus, help me to see people today the same way you do.”

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Journey, Day 14 ... Think on these things

Ph. 4:8 - "Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - 
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.”

Today as you journey, your challenge is to look back at the last 2 weeks and thank God for journeying with you this far! What have you accomplished that surprises you?  Thank him for it.  What temptations are you facing as you try to be true to your commitment?  
Name them in prayer and ask God to give you exactly what you need to be strong, and thank him that he will provide for you tomorrow.  Have you found ways to creatively make progress toward your goal even when time is an issue?  Enjoy your success with the Author of creativity!  Today is all about you and how God walks with you.

My prayer for us all today is simple.  Reflect on your accomplishments and thank God as you journey. Keep your mind on the kinds of things mentioned in the Scripture the whole time you journey today. You have so much to be thankful for!!

Faithful Hearts loves and honors every ounce of effort you are selflessly giving to enable our ministry to continue, and we fully hope and expect God to meet you day by day with new blessings in your personal journey.

“LORD, please help me remember whatever is good and right today.  Please help me to focus on things that make me become more like you.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Journey, Day 13 ... like one speaks to a friend.

(Ex 33:11) "The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.

Let me share a profoundly simple, perhaps ridiculous, moment of "Oh my God!" (love those!)  I love a good, solid theological discussion now and then, but sometimes my own brain gets in the way of me actually listening to God. I find God to be most intimately near when I am most childlike.  

As I was trying to get my miles in last night, I walked by the most beautiful hibiscus flower, next to somebody's mailbox.  Seriously ... one of those things that calls you to a second look.  Deep orange and yellow. Delicate. I heard myself ask (right out loud) ... "Oh my God, did you see that flower?"  I began to laugh ... fully convinced that Jesus was enjoying the ridiculous question as much as I was, so I prayed on ...   "Did you think that one up at the beginning or have you been working on some botanist to bring about such a magnificent flower?"  What followed was such pure and FUN worship.  Even remembering it brings a smile to my face. Conversation and admiration and laughter!!  HOLY time.  Worship on my journey, slowing but not missing a step.

How simple minded do I sound?  Perhaps that's the key to worship that is filled with God and not muddled with me and my words.  Jesus had to have had fun conversations with his friends while on earth.  Things had to have struck him funny sometimes.  What could be more wonderful than just hanging out, laughing, and enjoying the Spirit that surrounds us with the presence of Jesus as we drive and shop, garden, work, exercise?  I don't do well when worship is too contrived ... I get distracted.  But God as friend? 

Here's a wonderful ancient thought. (Ex 33:11) "The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend."  I always thought that was because Moses was so special ... maybe not. (No disrespect to Moses) Maybe it was because God initiated friendly conversation when he found someone who would listen ... who could hang out and enjoy his presence. AWESOME thought ... that God walked with me today, speaking to me as one speaks to a friend.  Makes me laugh and cry all at once.  Worship just flows.

Not only does God love us ... apparently he likes us.  :)  Think on that for a while.  Journey well!

"LORD, God Almighty!  Jesus told his guys that if they didn't approach the Kingdom as children they just wouldn't get it.  I want to try that.  Help me Father to totally enjoy your company!"

Friday, April 22, 2016

Journey, Day 12, The devil is CRAZY

A dear, wise friend of mine shared this little bit of wisdom that she learned years ago from a mentor in her life.

"There are times we can't figure things out because the devil is crazy."

I LOVE THIS! Sometimes, especially when things are difficult for us, we waste a lot of time and mental energy asking why? That may be the wrong question.  Of course sometimes we cause ourselves difficulty by what we've done or said.  RUN to fix those things.  But other times it seems we've done everything the very best we can and the results have been pretty bad.  What then?

It would be wise for us to stop trying to make sense out of an enemy whose whole plan is to confuse people and make a mess of our relationship with God. Instead, it's wise to cling with all our might to something we  know for sure: God knows what's going on with us and his character has not changed. You are his and your strength comes from him, not from figuring out why.

Anybody have experience with this?  As you journey today (after you've thanked God for at least 20 things), thank him for being All Knowing.  Get yourself to realize that he is not fooled, ever.  Even when things are hard to figure,  God gets it.  You can rest in that.

Last month my husband and I flew to Chicago.  I didn't know how to fly a plane.  I could have tried to figure it out and worried and fretted about the whole thing, but it wouldn't have gotten me to Chicago any sooner or any safer. There was a pilot who knew what I didn't.   Know what I'm saying?  :)  Sometimes our only option is trust or don't take the trip.

"Lord God, Almighty.  You never have an off day.  You always know what goes on in my life.  Help me trust you in that."  

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Journey, Day 11 ... BE STILL

The sun is painting the sky pink this morning, and everything is SO STILL! The leaves hang motionless, the air is breezeless, and for whatever reason, even the glorious noise of creation (all the honks and chirps ... even lawn mowers!) is hushed.

The whole idea of quiet keeps coming up in things I read this morning. I flipped on music and got Stephen Curtis Chapman singing "Be still and know ..." One of my favorite scriptures (Psalm 47:10). In this verse the word translated as still means to wait ... to not do anything ... stop trying. How are you at being still? My brain gives me trouble when I try.

Oswald Chambers says that "we are so filled with our own disposition that we often cannot hear God, even when we try." So true. Most of my time is spent in planning and writing and teaching, in listening to other people and trying to help them find their next step ... It takes me some time to stop my brain from being the only voice I can hear! "STOP that, Jan." THAT is what I hear today! "Be still."

Last week my MAC told me that my systems weren't running well because there were 6 necessary upgrades I needed to download. It took a while and my computer needed to just be idle and then shut down and reboot. I've been noticing changes today. Certain icons are different and certain programs are working better. What a bother, but apparently necessary.

So I'll make a clumsy attempt to pass that on to you as an analogy. To become new in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) means that his character is being formed in me. I've already got God's character as my default (Gen. 1:27)  ... so it makes sense that I'd need to shut down and let God reboot and upgrade the program, one piece at a time until I'm a bit more caught up in how I should operate.

Is that really lame? I don't know, it's speaking to me. My prayer is for me and anyone who finds her systems running slow. I'm asking God to upgrade our systems. :)  It may require time when you're systems are off, and then a reboot.  I dare you. BE STILL.

"LORD, What have you got for me today?  I will find time to just be still in your presence."

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Journey, Day 10 ... Shalom as evidence

Today let's think about the word SHALOM and what Jesus understood that to mean.  In the book ONE.LIFE by Scot McKnight he says that peace should not be a goal.  Love is always our goal.  But those who love find Shalom (peace), and those who refuse to love will not.  Shalom is an atmosphere that is supposed to pervade Kingdom life.  It is the effect of love being lived out.

According to McKnight, there are some simple things Jesus would have understood as shalom.  The first one caught my attention:
*When you have what you need and need what you have

Shalom is evidence of love being lived out. How does having stuff you don't need mess with your shalom?  Can we actually experience Shalom if we are owned by our stuff?

Today as you journey, begin with thanks.  Thank God for what you see and hear, touch and taste and smell.  Then think about what you actually need today.  It's surprising how short our actual need list is most days!  I have no idea where God will take you with this, but I'd love to hear!

"LORD Jesus, I notice you never needed time off to go take care of your stuff.  How can I follow you well when I am weighed down by so many possessions?  Teach me the difference between a thankful heart and just being selfish."

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Journey, Day 9, Your precious time

Graduations are coming up in the next month or two. College acceptance letters are out. Vacation plans and summer organization plans are consuming all of the "lazy days of summer" before summer is even here, and God's daughters are gasping for air. There are game schedules and practice schedules and volunteer schedules, and some days are just flat out spent going from one thing to the next. We seem to be proud of our busyness and are passing on frantic expectations to the next generation. Here's the bad news. IT'S NOT GOOD.

Want to know what you and the generation after you will remember as FORMATIVE?  What things will give strength and health of character?  Unhurried conversation and meaningful connection; Laughing together and taking a walk; Stopping off to sit by a lake or get ice cream.  No phones.  No Internet.  Conversation that is filled with actual listening and eye contact.  

This post is a warning to all who have the tendency to say yes to too many things. Your kids, your family, your friends and your own relationship with God will benefit from you learning to stop committing your precious time to things that just eat up your precious time.  Today is all you've actually got. Tomorrow is out of reach and yesterday is gone. How will you choose to live as God's child THIS DAY?  

"LORD, help us to actually invest in living this day well.  Please help us value our importance and our performance less, and your presence more.  Help us to see people and to care enough to listen to them, as you would.  Amen."

Monday, April 18, 2016

Journey, Day 8, Big things and little things

Romans 12:1 "Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God--this is true worship." 

Have you ever wondered what ONE BIG THING God would like you to do with your life?  Searching for that one big thing is what keeps many of us from even noticing God's obvious answers, and the important things (which might not seem big at all) never get done.  When we focus on big things, we need to exercise extreme caution!          
BIG THINGS tend to glorify little people.   LITTLE THINGS tend to glorify God.

Consider this definition of God's calling:
 The place where God calls you is where your deep gladness meets the world's deep hunger. - (Buechner.)

This is a wonderful definition of what it means to be right where God has placed you, doing what God has created you to do.  Think about that and then use it diagnostically.
*Is my life reflecting a deep gladness because of my relationship with God?
*Does doing what I love come in direct contact with people who need what I do?      
Remember, God's desire for you is FULL LIFE.  He does not call us to misery, or to measure up.
When you seek him first, the rest comes.  You are already beloved ... nothing to prove.  Now seek to find the things about Christ that call you ... that you love about him.  BE THAT.  Seriously sisters, live as though you were made on purpose and given all you need to glorify God.

On purpose! Hmmmmm!  Now what great little thing about me have I been over-looking?"  
Take that thought on your journey today.  :)

LORD Jesus, if your creative genius has put me together on purpose, I'd like to give all that I am back to you as the only 'good' gift I actually can give.  Tell me how to do that.  Thanks!"

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Journey, Day 7, More on being Gifted.

Good morning!
I hope that yesterday you were able to identify one way in which you are a truly gifted woman.
Now today comes the big question ...  "SO WHAT?"

First, the fruit of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23 is not a list of gifts.  That list (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control) is all about evidence that the Holy Spirit is in the house.  Those are attitudes God wants to come from his children and they happen by the power of the Spirit.  The Spirit is most certainly a gift that enables us!  Today we're trying to look beyond these attributes into our own, individual and specific gifts.

Second, the reason we're looking for more personal information here is because you just will never experience a greater joy than actually realizing that you are doing what God intended you to do.  This is not about guilt or what you should do ... nope, this is about being what you were created to be.

Here are a few questions that will help you identify a gift that God has given you.
*When I use this gift, who gets the glory?  (That answer needs to be God.)
*Does using this gift bless other people?  (The answer to this should be yes.)
*When I use this gift, are the results WAY BEYOND what I know my talents can accomplish?
*When (or after) I use this gift, do I have a sense that I have worshiped God well?

I know a woman who has the gift of mercy.  She has used it so often that she really can't help it anymore.  She has brought such comfort to so many people ... she has become defined by her gift and it is a beautiful thing.

SO, as you journey today, listen carefully for God to prompt you with ideas about what your gift might be and how you can use it creatively.  Today is about affirming the beauty that God has put in you that you may not even have recognized before.  Let this be a joy!

"LORD Jesus,  help me actually "get" the fact that you have created me for your own pleasure, and that when I am most myself, you are most glorified.  Help me know myself better as I know you better.  Oh, and thank you for gifting me. "

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Journey, Day 6 On being GIFTED

Sometimes the best, most humble-sounding cop-out a person can use to get out of doing what they know they should do is to say (humbly, of course) "I am just not gifted in that way."  Sometimes that remark is true, but I think we need to talk a bit about what it means to be gifted

I love to be gifted. At Christmas I am gifted by my family. Frequently I am gifted by my husband. Unfortunately many Christians have changed the word gifted to mean "what I am"  or "how I am more special than others" instead of "what I have been given." God gives gifts as he pleases to whomever he pleases. There is no pride involved in noticing the gifts God gives!  You are the recipient.

Being gifted simply means that a gift has been designated for me. My name is on the gift tag. What the Giver desires is that I open the gift, love the gift, say thank you and use it. Each of us has been gifted.  That means you.  

So, what's yours? This is not necessarily the same as what needs to be done. (We all need to chip in with what just needs to get done.)  Let's say you have been given the very specific gift of teaching. Then teach!  Find a way to make it a priority and teach to the glory of the Gift-Giver!

Today I'd like to stir the pot a bit. What is something God has gifted to you? Do you use that gift, or have you completely insulted the Giver by putting it back in the box...on a shelf. FIND a place to play with your gift, that's the reason it was given! As you journey today, ask God to remind you about how and why he has gifted you.  For some of you this will be a brand new thought!  Let this be a wonderful discovery about yourself.  Celebrate it.  Share what you learn ... we're not done with this idea...  

"LORD Jesus, please bring to mind any gift you may have given me that I have overlooked. Remind me that you give gifts so that your children can give them back to you by giving them to a needy world. Please remind me today of all of my resources.  Thank you for trusting me!"

Friday, April 15, 2016

Journey, Day 5 Counting by ONES

Matthew 25:40 (Jesus is speaking here about what really matters)  "Then the King will reply, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for ONE of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

God paid attention to ONES.
Yeah, he fed thousands a couple of times and gave sermons to multitudes, but mostly we are touched by the way Jesus touched and listened to ONES.   Dirty ONES, unpopular ONES, beggars, sick and dead ... he took time.  He touched and cried and hugged ONES.
I fear we've gotten too enthralled with the multitudes and attendance, performance and turnouts ... and the ONES are left alone.  Makes my heart hurt.  Doesn't make God too happy either! (check out the rest of Matthew 25 if you don't believe me.)

What ONES have you touched recently? Maybe if we encourage each other we can become more like Jesus in our compassion.  Today as you journey, after you've thanked God for the things you notice around you,  just notice people.  Make yourself available to Jesus if there is someone you see or someone who comes to your mind for whom he stirs a bit of compassion in you.

A smile.
A hand.
A compliment.
You're trying to represent the Creator, for goodness sake!  Be creative!!!  Feel free to comment here about  how it goes, and what effect it has on you to look into someone else's eyes and realize you are doing that kindness to God.

"Jesus, thank you for investing your life in people one at a time.  Thank you that I am one of the ones you care about.  I'm wide open here ... show me how to be more like you in this."

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Journey, Day 4, Pray continually?

I used to think this was a ridiculous little bit of advice from the Apostle Paul.
(1Thes 5:17) "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."  I've changed my mind.

Think about that in light of this ... "Prayer at its simplest and in its most complex form is simply inviting God into the conversation." -jk

If a person gets into the habit of including God ... imagine the impulsive messes that could be avoided. "God, I'm angry ... please add your 2 cents worth." "I really want to tell a story that isn't my news to share. What do you think?" "Jesus, I'm so lonely! What can I do?"  "Holy Spirit,  will you show me someone who needs encouragement today, and please be really specific so I don't miss it! I really want to be like Jesus today."

Then watch and listen and wait.  It may take effort to keep your focus on this past your walk, right into the rest of your day, but that's exactly where your answer is most likely to come.  Be patient and keep expecting.

It's a compelling thought, but one we must handle with care. We need to care enough to investigate what Scripture says about God's character so we know how to listen ... who to listen for.  Keep in mind that being like Jesus includes such activity as getting alone to pray.

It makes far better sense NOT to tell yourself, "don't sin" ... but instead, "before I do anything I'll ask God his advice."  There's an old hymn with this lyric:  "Oh, what peace we often forfeit! Oh what needless pain we bear!  All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer."

"Lord Jesus, help my thoughts be more in line with yours.  I want to learn to listen and KNOW it's you."

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Journey, day 3 DELIGHT!

Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you your heart's desire.
This isn't a verse about praying hard enough or wishing for stuff ... NO, it's way, way better than that!
What comes to mind when you think of the word DELIGHT?

My mind brings me pictures of my kids, memories of the best vacations and fantastic food! I think of mountain top views and warm sandy beaches. I think of visiting my best friend and laughing about times we have shared. I would be delighted to find my favorite jeans fitting a bit looser.  (hey, it's still early in the journey ... it may happen)

Delight is more than just okay; more than happy. Delight is an extreme pleasure. So how is it that I can delight in the LORD?  The Psalmist says that if I do, he will give me my heart's desire.
If the LORD brings me delight, wouldn't HE be my heart's desire? Is this really God saying, "Learn to totally enjoy me and I'm all yours"?

Hmmmm. Doesn't sound boring or like a chore.  As you head out today, look for 20 things to say thank you for (remember day 1),  and then ASK GOD TO DELIGHT YOU WITH HIMSELF.
Now, expect!  Watch.  Notice.
You may find you have had a flat-out great time just hanging out with God.

"Lord, I know you made me in your image.  Will you remind me today as I journey of just ONE way I bear your image?  I would love to represent you well, even just in one way.  I need you for that!
I'm asking.  AMEN"

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Journey, Day 2

"Really, God!  What do you want from me?  How busy is busy enough?  Am I serving enough?  Do my kids have every opportunity imaginable or have I missed some activity?  Is my house clean enough, redecorated enough, cool enough?  Am I thin enough?  Young enough? Rich enough?  Am I volunteering enough?  Doing enough good things? Am I at least trying hard enough?  Why am I right on the edge all the time? God, your blessings can be so exhausting!"

Enough is not a Biblical standard ... it is our own measure, often unattainable.
Today, will you just set it all down and listen?

Micah 6:8  "He (God) has shown you people what is good.  And what does the LORD require of you?  To act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God."

THAT'S IT. My guess is that you can't accomplish the first paragraph in the spirit of this verse, so something is going to have to give.

Dear, dear beloved one of God, hear this caution.  Don't work so hard to be enough.  You already are enough.  Realize that when you teach by example and schedule that busyness and muchness is good and expected, your children and those who watch your life will turn out even more exhausted than you are.  (read that again ... carefully)

You are enough.  What God cares about is you, just as you are, walking with him.  Breathe. What will it look like to let him walk with you on your journey today?  (hint: don't do all the talking)

"LORD God, please walk with me today.  Maybe as I learn to praise you by living in your company I'll start to see more of you in the person I am becoming. Amen"

Monday, April 11, 2016

40 Day Journey, day 1

40-Day Journey,  DAY 1

Today we set out various different personal journeys ... together!  Some of us will walk 160 miles and some will walk 5 miles.  Some will swim laps, ride bikes, walk at lunchtime at work or on the treadmill at home. Some plan to memorize Scripture, 20 extra minutes of prayer each day, personal care, and even writing a book!  We will journey through neighborhoods, businesses and trails in North Carolina, Illinois and who knows where else, and although we may be on our own, we are NOT alone!  Bound together by God's word, by our prayer focus and knowing we support each other, we hope to progress and grow strong individually together. We even have a 6 year old champion who has garnered $12/mile of support already! (How fun is that!?)

Psalm 89:15&16  Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, LORD.  They rejoice in your name all day long, they exult in your righteousness.

Notice how our Scripture for today begins ... "blessed are those who have LEARNED to acclaim you."  As we set out today on our first day, let's go in the attitude of learning a new thing: to acclaim God. Some days praise just doesn't flow naturally.  Some days we wake up already feeling like we're late for something or like the responsibilities of the day just won't wait.  Who has time to even think about God let alone seek his presence?  Ah!  The secret to being blessed and rejoicing as we walk with God all day long is that we don't wait until we have plenty of time or feel especially spiritual.  No, this is something that we learn by doing.  First we learn by trying: the satisfaction, the light of his presence and rejoicing will follow.

As you journey today be on the lookout for reasons to acclaim God.  Seriously,  before you ask God for one thing, thank him for 20 things.  Open your eyes. Listen!  Use all five senses.  Let this be the way you approach him everyday; remember that God is right there and watch for evidence.

"Thank you God that you have made such a fascinating world, that I am a part of it, and that I can thank you for it.  It feels so good to say thank you."