The question for today is simply this: who will you be? Not who are you or what have you done, but what did God have in mind when he fashioned your unique self?
He was impetuous and out-spoken and kept making mistakes and getting correction. He cut off a guys ear trying to protect Jesus, tried to correct Jesus moments after calling him the Christ, and denied he even knew Jesus. Then in the book of Acts we see him becoming a strong leader who still occasionally messed up. He was a work in progress. By the time we get to the books Peter wrote at the end of his life, there are glimpses of a mature, godly personality emerging: still Peter, but now a much better Peter. His personality was formed by spending time in relationship with Jesus. It took a life time. Read these words from Peter’s pen. It’s hard to believe it’s the same guy that God the Father had to interrupt on the Mount of Transfiguration!
I Peter 3: 14-16 “…in your hearts revere Christ as LORD. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.”
I believe that each one of us will become more what we were created to be as we spend time with Jesus. Isn’t that what we ultimately want out of life, to become what we were created to be? Especially if you are facing decisions and choices. The more familiar you get with the personality of Jesus and the more you learn to recognize how he handles situations, the more like him you can become. Faith isn't about religion. It’s about walking well through your life in the company of God and letting who he is change you.
Ask. Listen. Imagine what God has in mind for you. Can you thank him for progress you are already noticing? How cool is that!?
“LORD Jesus, make me more myself today, according to your design. Help me realize that this is my heart’s desire … and yours.”
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