This morning I want to bring you some words from Oswald Chambers:
"Paul focuses Jesus Christ's idea of a New Testament saint in his life, viz., not one who proclaims the Gospel merely, but one who becomes broken bread and poured out wine in the hands of Jesus Christ for others lives. ...The real test of the saint is not preaching the gospel, but washing disciples’ feet..."
"Paul focuses Jesus Christ's idea of a New Testament saint in his life, viz., not one who proclaims the Gospel merely, but one who becomes broken bread and poured out wine in the hands of Jesus Christ for others lives. ...The real test of the saint is not preaching the gospel, but washing disciples’ feet..."
How true! Our lives are touched and molded and changed the most by interactions with others. Words can be misspoken and misunderstood, but actions over time get people’s attention. Consistent kindness helps me remember that I am not a Christian so I can talk about it, but so that I can represent Jesus in a world he loves.
As you journey today, notice the people you encounter and be aware of the opportunity you have to be kind, in Jesus name. My prayer is that by prayer and small acts of love, your own life will be an illustration of Jesus to someone.
“Paul became a sacramental personality; wherever he went, Jesus Christ helped Himself to his life.” (again, Chambers.)
Wouldn’t it be amazing to be known as someone THAT connected to Christ?
“LORD Jesus, help me to see people today the same way you do.”
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