Friday, May 20, 2016


“I am weak but thou art strong
Jesus keep me from all wrong
I’ll be satisfied as long
As I walk, let me walk close to Thee

"Just a closer walk with Thee
Grant it Jesus, is my plea
Daily walking close to Thee
Let it be, dear LORD, let it be

"Through this world of toil and care
If I falter, LORD, who cares?
Who with me my burden shares?
None but Thee, dear LORD, none but Thee”

We have kept intentional company with Almighty God now for forty days. You may not realize it, but something about you has changed. When people keep company with God, something changes. Whether we raised enough money to fund Faithful Hearts for another year or not, this Journey has been a wonderful success simply because we have each
walked with God at least a little bit every day.

As you journey on this final day, be a bit introspective.  What has changed about you?  Do you notice people more?  Do you thank God more than you ask God for things?  Has your
heart softened toward the people in your life?  Do you feel that perhaps you understand the man, Jesus, a bit better? How amazing is that!? Do you want more?  ASK.

This is the beginning.  The good news is that you can walk with God Almighty every day of your life. You are welcome in his presence.  It’s a safe place. AND, I hope you know, that you are not alone.  You are part of a sisterhood that will welcome your presence, your thoughts, your prayers, your questions … ALL of it.  Let’s represent Jesus to each other well.

“LORD, you are faithful and loving and kind.  You are creative and powerful, you can heal and you can intervene in our lives when we let you.  Thank you.  Teach us how to live
lives of worship, and to share your personality with the people in our lives.”

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Journey, Day 39 Boundless

Col. 3:17 “Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the LORD Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

We’ve got today and tomorrow to finish our journey well.  Sweet sisters, look how far we’ve come! Today as you set out to journey, remember that WHATEVER you do can be done in the name of the LORD Jesus, and through it, you can give thanks to God. Give thanks for what?  Today, focus on other Christian brothers and sisters who have had an impact on your life. Think of the first people you remember telling you about God,  a Sunday School teacher maybe, or a youth group leader?  Maybe your pastor, your grandparent or someone you met at school.  As you think of your own Spiritual heritage, thank God that the message of his love has survived throughout history until someone brought it to you.  It’s amazing, really!  

After you have thanked God for those who have shared his story with you, turn your thoughts to those who FIRST told the story.  Is there a particular story of faithfulness
or redemption in Scripture that has touched you?  Think through that story and thank God for the life of that person.  Remember, we have only the stories, but God knows them personally. It’s a good day to separate real human beings from fantasy characters.  It’s a good day to remember actual brothers and sisters in Christ, whom he loves.  It’s a good day to remember that we each have a place in Jesus’ story, and to say thank you.

“LORD, we forget that those you loved in the beginning, those you have redeemed throughout history, those who have been our immediate fore bearers are as much a part of
the CHURCH as we are, and as our children will be.  Our vision can be so limited to the immediate!  Thank you for unending, boundless and complete love, through Jesus.”

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Journey, Day 38, One Thing

Well, sweet sisters, we have been on this journey for 38 days!!  Today I’m asking you to remember. What have you done?  What have you experienced?  Have you had an encounter with God as you have journeyed and prayed?

Think and pray as you journey today, and then jot down a few notes about your experience.  Thank God for his presence with you and if you can, write a brief journey story from your perspective. Remembering is important. If you'd like to share, we'll put them on our site for others to read.

Scripture is, after all, God revealing himself to people THROUGH PEOPLE!  We hear the stories of Joseph, Deborah, Miriam, David, Rahab, Naomi, Ruth … Jesus and the guys, the Marys … Paul, Priscilla, Timothy … and the story continues!  You know about Jesus because someone told someone who told someone, down through the centuries until somehow you found truth and hope.  Don’t let the story stop with you!  Use this opportunity to tell what you’ve experienced.  Share your insights, your victories, your struggles and your questions, but most of all, share yourself and who Jesus is in your life.

IF you can, write your story (keep it SHORT, no longer than this email) and send it to . This is me nudging you toward a blessing, not an assignment.  :)  Let this be your thought as you journey today.  Ask, "Lord Jesus, remind me today of one thing I can share about you."

“LORD, thank you for telling your story through people so that I can know you. Please use my story to help someone else find you. "

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Journey, Day 37 WWJD?

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” 
 John 13:34-35

Nothing starts a day off quite like having someone cut in on you in traffic, and you notice the fish insignia plastered on their bumper.  Watch for it and you'll notice lots of fish... sometimes whole families of little metal fish attached to cars, and stickers from local churches and Christian schools, and all kinds of other labels and signs people use to “witness.”  I remember passing a huge “JESUS” sign in the middle of a tobacco field on the way to the beach last year and wondering how confusing it must be to people who don’t know anything about Jesus to see his name in a field, or crosses on the side of the road where someone has lost a loved one in a car crash.  I don’t mean to make light of what people choose to wear or display, but Jesus was pretty clear about how people will find out that we are his disciples and it's not about what we wear. It's about how we love each other.  

Interesting thought.  How do we love each other so that everyone will know we follow Jesus? How did Jesus love the people around him?  Think about this as you journey today and come up with one specific way to try and love like that today.  St Francis is credited with this gem … “Speak Christ at all times.  If necessary, use words.”

“LORD, you asked questions, you listened, you touched, you were gentle, you soothed and healed, you fed and you washed feet.  It sounds easy, but I’m going to need your help.”

Monday, May 16, 2016

Journey, Day 36, Quiet excellence

"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody" (1 Thessalonians 4: 11-12).

That’s some really great advice. Paul is writing to people who were trying to be Christ followers without a Christian heritage or traditions ... or even Bibles.  I love what he says.  He doesn't urge them to be religious or popular or loud or famous ... but to be quietly excellent in the everyday things.  Yep, love that.

What a paradox the 21st century American Christian has become!  We tend to be loud and showy as we celebrate a God who came in simplicity.  We try to remind ourselves that Jesus told people NOT to accumulate stuff as we shop for things we don't need with money we don't even have.  And we're dependent on electronics to the point that even having a quiet hour or an uninterrupted conversation face to face can be a challenge.  Wow.

Today I pray that you can each find a way to be quietly, truthfully excellent in the way you do ordinary things.  Let God cause people to notice you ... or maybe not to notice you at all; rather to notice him.  What better way to honor Jesus than to live your daily life in a way that wins the "respect of outsiders?"  Honestly ... how do we represent our Lord if we don't make the time to notice and listen and interact with those outsiders? There never just is time to be with God ... you need to make it.  Do that.  Be creative ... how does one wrap up a long day at the office, or change a diaper, or do the dishes with quiet excellence?  :)

“LORD, as I journey today I will be thinking about the ways in which I can honor you with quiet excellence.  Help me be creative!  I’m listening.”

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Journey, DAY 35!! ENOUGH

Isaiah 40: 28-31
Do you not know?  
Have you not heard? 
The Lord is the everlasting God, 
the Creator of the ends of the earth.  
He will not grow tired or weary, 
and his understanding no one can fathom.  
He gives strength to the weary 
and increases the power of the weak.  
Even youths grow tired and weary, 
and young men stumble and fall; 
but those who hope in the Lord 
will renew their strength.  
They will soar on wings like eagles; 
they will run and not grow weary, 
they will walk and not faint.

Did you notice what God requires of you?  HOPE!  That's it.
The rest is all on him!  God's good news, over and over again, asks people to do two things ... REMEMBER, and  HOPE.  THERE IS NO LIST of things you need to do. Whatever kind of mess you are, God is promising strength, and it's enough.  Sometimes God's strength enables us to soar like eagles.  Sometimes it's enough to run and not be weary.  Sometimes ... it's just enough to walk without fainting.  The thing is,  it's enough.  Keep going.  One more step.  You can do it. Find strength in the character of the One who promises to be enough.

“LORD, thank you.  You are enough.  You are strength and energy and our source of renewal.  Help my countenance glow with confidence in you!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Journey, Day 34 YOU ARE.

Isaiah 43:1  “Fear not…for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; YOU ARE MINE.”

Funny how our primary identity isn’t in comparison to anybody else…
You are … on purpose … and that’s enough.
Today is about breathing deep and allowing God to claim you, simply because he loves you.
ENJOY your journey today! Let it soak in that you are not what you do.  You are claimed and known by your Maker.  Smile if you want.  Let people wonder why.  :)

That’s just very cool.

“LORD JESUS, thank you.  That’s all.  Thank you.”

Friday, May 13, 2016

Journey, Day 33, FAITHFULNESS

Galatians 5:22&23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  Against such things there is no law.

These characteristics are evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the personality of a follower of Jesus. The more we allow our lives to be controlled by the Spirit, the more these characteristics become our own.  Awesome, right?  Today let’s focus on faithfulness.

Faithfulness takes time. It isn’t something done in a hurry, but rather it is marked by continued presence … over and over again. It, like excellence, is better noticed than announced. It is easier to spot in retrospect and you notice when it is missing.

I've always had dogs.  Mine were faithful friends, not because they greeted me once in a while, but because they always were at the door when I came home.  Every time.  
As God's image bearers, we have been designed to be faithful creatures. We are not faithful because we perform. We're not faithful because once in a while we do an act of kindness.  Faithfulness becomes our default as we allow the Spirit to direct us. The Spirit prompts; we keep showing up, over and over.

As you journey today, ask God to remind you of faithful people in your life and give thanks.
Perhaps you'll think of someone you could thank ... maybe tell them their faithfulness  reminds of you Jesus.  (just a thought ...)  Then ask God to help you notice a situation that could use the presence of Jesus, and start showing up.  Are you okay being faithful even if nobody seems to notice? Want that. It is a good and perfect gift that you and God will enjoy together. 

“Holy Spirit of God, thank you for always being available to me so that I can become more like you.  Today, teach me one new thing about faithfulness. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Journey, Day 32 ... WRESTLE!

Philippians 4:6&7
"Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again: Rejoice!
Let your gentleness be evident to all.  The Lord is near.
everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.  And the peace of God
which transcends all understanding, will guard your
hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I read somewhere, "Anxiety is the fear that God cannot do in the present what he
was able to do in the past.”  Anxiety is a very real insult to an omnipotent God!

Anxiety is a common enemy.  I’ve wrestled it and you either have or will.  It steals peace and encourages us into behaviors that lead somewhere other than to God.  Here’s the deal … when you feel yourself beginning to be anxious and to worry, WRESTLE it.  Wrestle it right to your place of prayer, and right there give it away. (harder than it sounds!) This is absolutely necessary for someone who walks with God. After you’ve gotten into the habit of letting God take care of your worries, you will be amazed at the peace. Others will notice your peace. Honestly, I'm not kidding. This passage is hard work but obeying it yields pure gold.  PEACE beyond what we can understand.

As you journey today, ask God to fill you with peace.  Breathe deep and pay attention.  
Is there something blocking peace from you?  If there is … identify it and ask God to deal with it.  Be specific.  Ask.  Now, breathe again … and wrestle the impulse to take that block back.  Remind yourself that the God who walks with you is the same who raised Jesus from the dead.  He can handle this if you will just let go.  

May your journey take you into peace in such a real way that those around you will notice.  That would be a very good day!

“Lord God, thank you for walking with me.  Remind me please when I start to worry that you are still with me and you’ve got it handled.  Peace, please.”

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Journey, Day 31 ....It's ALL HIS!!

Psalm 24:1  The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it,  
the world, and all who live in it.

The first verse of Psalm 24 reminds us that everything - from the greatest to the least of all creation - belongs to God.  Imagine if we were to write this verse on everything we possess.  I’m thinking there might be some possessions we wouldn’t want to keep to ourselves and others we wouldn’t want to keep at all.  If the earth and everything in it is mine to use but  not to own, I might want to ask what God’s purpose is for giving me access to the things in my home, my office, my car … Take my phone, for example.  If it actually belongs to God, will it change the way I use it?  Will I be more likely to bless others and less likely to gossip?  I might wonder why I have so much while others are in need, and it might dawn on me that God does not give us wealth so that we can be wealthy!  God entrusts wealth to people so we can share it.  How do I go about doing that?  Remembering who actually is LORD of everything is one way to gain healthy perspective on the things we own.

What if we could see this verse written on God’s magnificent creations?  Trees, lakes, flowers … would we care for the world differently?  What if God’s name was written in the sky above a flowering desert or a magnificent snow-capped mountain?  Would wonder and worship come more naturally to our minds? How different everything looks when we remember to whom it all belongs!  How would it change the way I appreciate food and drink?

Now, what if this verse surrounded every human being?  Our children are God’s.  Our spouses and parents and friends … HIS.  Even that person who drives you nuts is God’s own child.  The guy asking for a handout on the corner as well as the teenager texting at the stoplight.  His.  

This is more of a challenge than it might first appear.  Be open and imaginative in your prayer today.  I wonder what brand new thought will occur to you!

LORD God, Creator of everything.  I am humbled to walk on your created earth among your created beings, and to know that I also am yours.  I ask for a glimpse of your glory today
in your creation.  Thank you, thank you.”

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Journey, Day 30, Breathing

1 Thessalonians 5:17  “Pray without ceasing.”

Many of us have been taught that prayer is when we take our conscious mind into an exercise where we talk and God listens.  Perhaps we use prayers we have memorized.  Perhaps it’s when we confess and beg forgiveness.  Some of us come to God when something needs to be fixed, or we plead for someone who is suffering or someone who is lost.  It’s all prayer. It’s all good. But there is morePlanned, ritual or habitual prayer has its place, but there is a prayer that courses through our veins like blood and fills and empties us like breath, and you and I want it!

Repeating something we’ve talked about earlier on this journey: “Prayer, at its most complex and in its simplest form is no more than inviting God into the conversation.” 
When the Apostle Paul wrote to his friends in Thessalonica and told them to pray without ceasing, he wanted them to remember that God is real and that God is with us and that we are bound together by the Holy Spirit into an amazing and mysterious representation of Jesus on the earth … The Body of Christ. We don’t pray to a God far away.  God in the Spirit inhabits his people.  Prayer is something that actually can be continuous.  Our challenge is to remember that the listening and loving Intellect we long to engage in prayer IS ALWAYS WITH US … ALWAYS AVAILABLE … ALWAYS LISTENING. We are the ones that choose to shut down.  When we “get” the fact that God never leaves us … that his Spirit is in us, loving us toward health … well, we change.  We become new.  Life becomes full.

Today as you journey, pay attention to your breath. Both biblical languages (Greek and Hebrew) have the same word for breath and Spirit. How delightful of God to give us such a reminder. When you take a breath, you engage Spirit. In this context unceasing prayer, unceasing interaction with the Spirit, becomes our best hope for a good day!  

LORD, help me remember today that you inhabit every breath I take! It might take some getting used to, but help me learn the amazing joy of praying without ceasing!
-jan kempe

Monday, May 9, 2016

Journey, Day 29, Apple

Here you go.  Zech 2:8  “... whoever touches you touches the apple of my eye."  

Because this is a message about God's heart for his people,  we can assume these same wonderful words ring true for us.
Honestly!  The Kempe translation tells me, "Messing with you, Jan, is liking poking Me in the eye with a stick.  Of course I'll move my hand to protect my own eye!"

I'm praying today that you will remember who you are from our Father's perspective.  Picture the active defense of one who is protecting the apple of his eye.
You are worth that.  Let that be your reality today.  I hope you are encouraged (filled with courage) enough to walk through this day honorably and fearlessly.  You are covered.
Be on the lookout for someone who may not know or may have forgotten how much they are worth.  Perhaps a word or a smile would remind them.  

Journey today as one of God’s girls, confident and filled with grace.  Your world needs that today.

“LORD Jesus, I notice that the stories about your life are all about you reaching out with kindness … asking, listening, valuing.  Make me like you.”

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Journey, Day 28 Expecting!

Psalm 25:4&5  (a Psalm of David)
“Show me your ways, LORD,
teach me your paths.
Guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior, 
and my hope is in you all day long.”

Today’s journey might be a real challenge, or it might be a total delight.  It’s up to you.
Can you make these words your prayer?  Read the portion of the Psalm again. “Show me, teach me …”  These are words of expectation.  David is seriously asking his LORD to teach him what comes next.  I can almost imagine him waiting, watching, ready to write down what God tells him.  He even reminds God … “You are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.”

When you ask God to show you something, listen and wait. Read his word, listen to his people and let him bring memories of hymns or Scripture to you.  Try it.  This day could be an adventure as you journey … listening and paying attention … expecting. God may give you an idea, remind you of a loved one or show you something remarkable in nature. Expect.  Enjoy.

“LORD God, I am so honored to know that you have created me to know you.  I really want that. I am watching and listening.”

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Journey, Day 27 What do you need?

John 14:1 ...Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me." Jesus goes on to speak unreasonable hope.
John 14:27 ...Don't let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid." Jesus breathes confidence into his friends.

On the heels of yesterday’s Scripture, we look at our friend Peter again, who found Jesus’ words to be true!  Nothing like a good recommendation, right?  Peter had the fantastic experience of hanging out with Jesus … actually walking the country and learning that Jesus is who he said he is.  Peter had the crazy privilege of seeing Jesus go into heaven and the Holy Spirit come to inhabit his followers.  I love Peter because he messed up a lot, but he learned from every mistake and lived out his life as a work in progress.  Here is his testimony to the unreasonable hope and confidence Jesus promises him and us.

1 Peter 1: 3&4 “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.  Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

This says we have everything we need for a godly life, and that because of Jesus’ promises we can participate in the divine nature.  THINK ABOUT THAT!  In all our mistakes and all of the brokenness we experience, we have what we need to live a godly life.

As you journey today, notice evidence of God around you and give him thanks.  As you ponder God’s creation, let your thoughts wander around the truth that you are part of his creation, and that he has given you everything you need to become more and more like him in your own nature.  Imagine the blessing you can bring to your world simply by bringing his nature to your situations!  SELAH!

Lord Jesus, I want to be like you.  Please help me see what that would look like in just one way.  I am so excited for this possibility! Amen

-jan kempe

Friday, May 6, 2016

Journey, Day 26, HEART TROUBLE

Good morning Journey partners.  I’ve got a question for you.  How’s your heart?  
One thing we all have in common is occasional heart trouble. I don’t mean irregular heartbeat or another physical anomaly.  I mean we get worried, anxious, sad.
Twice in John 14 Jesus tells his friends, "Don't let your hearts be troubled." He isn't suggesting it.  This is an imperative.

I don't know how to do this. How do I watch the NEWS and not have my heart troubled?  Some days the heartbreak just keeps walking into my office or calling on my phone.  Texting.  Hugs at church linger ... and then the sobs begin.  I'm sorry ... I get troubled.  Lord God, I get troubled!

But I am happy to deduce that this is not a failing. In fact, it might be the best way I know to be like my Master. I cry, and hug, and listen. But here’s what I need to remember, and chances are it won’t hurt you to be reminded either … Jesus doesn’t just say “don’t,” he tells us what to do instead.  Check this out.
John 14:1 ...Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me." ... Jesus goes on to speak unreasonable hope.
John 14:27 ...Don't let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid." Jesus breathes confidence into his friends.

Jesus isn’t saying “don’t care.”  No, he fully expects our hearts will break for others.  But he says … DON’T LIVE THERE!
Perhaps it’s easier to read, “Don’t let your hearts STAY troubled … TRUST ME!”  “Don’t let your hearts STAY troubled …Don’t be afraid … I’ve got it.”

As you journey today, think of those about  whom you care. Perhaps your heart will be troubled. Then firmly and gently give your dear one to God and remember to trust and not be afraid.
This is intercession at its best.  You can do this.

“LORD Jesus, we will care for your children!  We will rejoice with their successes and weep with their losses, in your name.  We DO trust that you will take the burdens and carry them.  Help us to love without being afraid.”

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Journey, Day 25, ALREADY THERE!

1 Peter 3:13-17Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. ‘Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened’  But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.  It is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.”

As you journey today you may be thinking, “What difference can I possibly make?”  Don’t underestimate the power of a gentle and respectful testimony!  Consider this …
There was a woman who was a tireless worker against apartheid in South Africa before the changes to that system were in place.  When the issue began to be resolved she changed her attention to the corrupt prison system in which Nelson Mandella had languished. She began visiting the most violent offenders, listening to stories and teaching inmates to listen to each other's stories. She taught about love and hope, and that hopeless system marked a dramatic reduction in violent incidents.  When author Philip Yancey asked her about her work she simply said, “Well of course, Philip, God was already present in the prison.  I just had to make him visible."

I pray for your vision today.  No matter what your circumstances, look for God.  At your job, at home, in traffic, in prison, in the store, on the phone, in the elevator … He’s already there.  
Then ask yourself how you can make him visible?  THIS is how you impact the world (or your little piece of it).  THIS is your act of worship. THIS (trust me) is life to the full!!  (John 10:10).  

Remember that God is there, and be ready to gently and respectfully give a smile, a nod, a hand, or maybe the reason for the hope that you exhibit.

“LORD, help me to start small in how I make you visible.  Please open my eyes to kindness I can offer in your name.”

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Journey, Day 24, Ministering to a minister

Maybe you never thought about pastors as people who need care. Well, guess what? Caring for a pastor is something you might be called to do.  So today we journey with a challenge. If you don’t have at least ONE pastor for whom you pray regularly….you need to fix that. Stick with me here … I think you’re really going to like this!

There was a man named Nicodemus who actually got to talk with and minister to Jesus. Let’s look at the ways this man interacted with our LORD Jesus. He shows up three times in the gospel of John.  Check it out

FIRST   John 3: 1-21  A Pharisee named Nicodemus came to Jesus...respectfully...curiously...questioning.  The first thing he did was make a comment on the godliness he noticed in Jesus’ ministry. "No one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him."  Jesus explained things to him lovingly, hopefully and  patiently.  (we often forget that John 3:16 was spoken to a questioning Pharisee.)

SECOND John 7:50  In an angry roomful of Pharisees, one voice speaks in Jesus' defense.  “Nicodemus, who had gone to Jesus earlier and who was one of their own number, asked, ‘ Does our law condemn a man without first hearing him to find out what he has been doing?' " It doesn't make him popular, but John records those words for a's part of a very important story. Nicodemus advocates for Jesus.

THIRD  John 19:38-40  After the crucifixion two men take care of the Lord’s body. Joseph, a disciple of Jesus, and... (39) "He was accompanied by Nicodemus, the man who earlier had visited Jesus at night.  Nicodemus brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-five pounds.  Taking Jesus' body, the two of them wrapped it, with the spices, in strips of linen..."

This is how you minister to a minister. First you engage him (her) in a respectful conversation. You listen and then become an advocate if one is needed.  Finally, you go out of your way to show respect, perhaps even honor.  Honestly, you will never know a sweeter fulfillment than when you minister to Jesus by being a Nicodemus to one of his representatives.  In Matthew 25:40 the King says,’Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’  Here is an honor just waiting to be experienced. Do this.

As you journey today, it is your privilege to think of and pray for your pastor. Take the time to tell your pastor this week that you are praying for him or her.  It is a beautiful and obedient way to honor both Jesus and one who is striving to represent Jesus to you.

”LORD Jesus, bring to my mind a pastor whom I may bless in prayer before you.  Thank you for sending your shepherds to watch over me.”

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Journey, Day 23 SELAH

There is a strange little word that often appears in the Psalms.  Selah.  As far as we can discern it is a note in the text that gives direction to the way the Psalm is to be sung in worship and it seems to me something like *pause and reflect.  I’ve heard it rendered, “think about that!”  

Just as it takes practice to be silent and to listen in prayer, it takes some discipline to remember to pause and let the words of Scripture sink in.
“Shhhhh.  Think about that.”  No comment.  No explanation. Just let it soak in as you hold your other racing thoughts at bay.  Selah.

Try this as you journey today.  Read and then let the words soak in like a gentle rain on a thirsty garden.

Psalm 24: 7-10.
“Lift up your heads, you gates;
   be lifted up, you ancient doors,
   that the King of glory may come in.
Who is this King of glory?
   The LORD strong and mighty,
   the LORD mighty in battle.
Lift up your heads, you gates;
   lift them up, you ancient doors,
   that the King of glory may come in.
Who is he, this King of glory?
   The LORD Almighty—
   he is the King of glory.” (SELAH)  

“LORD, Almighty! Remind me as I wait before you  just how magnificent and worthy you are!”

Monday, May 2, 2016

Journey, Day 22 ... Pretending is better than cranky

Today I’m remembering one time I’m quite sure God spoke directly into my brain.  Let me share it … Sometimes I just don’t feel like listening or thinking or even being nice. So what does God want from us on our cranky days?  

One particular headache filled morning, I was waiting in a coffee house to meet someone who had called to see if I had time for her. She was 20 minutes late.  I began writing a list of things I would rather be accomplishing, when I took a minute to just stop and complain a bit to God.  His thoughts?  “You’re really going to have to work at making her feel welcome into your time.  This isn’t all about you, Jan."  

That was not what I really wanted to hear. Actually if our prayers aren’t convictingly annoying now and then, I think we’ve forgotten how to listen. Anyhow, when she finally walked in, I pretended to be calm, happy to see her and eager to listen.  Before long the most amazing transformation took place!  I actually became calm, happy to see her and eager to listen.  After nearly 2 hours, I had a new young friend, and my life was, once again, richer. I love that God does stuff like that!

So here are a few thoughts for your journey today:  
1. Remember to listen when you pray, and
2. Obey, even if what God brings to your mind is not what you were hoping for and even if you need to begin by pretending.

I'm not saying to bring something phony into a situation.  I’m saying to step up and act like Jesus in the confidence that he will change your efforts into the genuine article.  
If we wait to act until it feels good … well then it’s all about us, isn’t it?  

“LORD, some days trying to be like you is really hard for me.  Thank you for loving me even through cranky days.”

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Journey Day 21, First, NOTICE

Acts 17:21 “People of Athens, I see that in every way you are very religious …”  (read on to the end of the chapter)

This is a fantastic example of how the Apostle Paul entered into a situation as an outsider and, because he picked up on cultural cues was able to gently share the good news with the people of Athens without offending them. (THE good news here = the story of God in a way they would hear)

Today as you journey, be VERY aware of the people you see.  Notice what they need … what might be important to them.  Then your prayer focus for today needs to be, “Lord, how can I open up a conversation with this person about good news?”  Notice, Paul honors the people of Athens (actually the high-brow ones who love to argue philosophy and religion) by knowing their history and their poets and very gently respecting them.  

The point of this train of thought today is simple … notice what’s important to the people God puts in your way and begin to find appropriate ways to open the conversation with them.  This isn’t a conversation that needs to get “religious” or end in a decision. That’s none of your business.  Jesus walked this earth connecting with people.  That’s it.  Our first steps need to be 1. noticing, 2. actually caring about people and their needs and 3. opening (not necessarily finishing) a conversation with them.  

Maybe somebody you notice hasn’t had eye contact with somebody friendly in a month.  Maybe a nod or a smile will help someone feel like they matter.  Honestly, we are so stupid not to include these beginning steps. Just connect and let someone know that you notice them.  Period. 

Watch it, ladies … this might be more fun than you expect.  :)

“LORD Jesus, we need to see people like you do.  Help us notice cues … a baby stroller, a tricycle, an access ramp to a home, a beware of dog sign … help us to see first!  We need to notice the people you show us.”