Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Journey, Day 38, One Thing

Well, sweet sisters, we have been on this journey for 38 days!!  Today I’m asking you to remember. What have you done?  What have you experienced?  Have you had an encounter with God as you have journeyed and prayed?

Think and pray as you journey today, and then jot down a few notes about your experience.  Thank God for his presence with you and if you can, write a brief journey story from your perspective. Remembering is important. If you'd like to share, we'll put them on our site for others to read.

Scripture is, after all, God revealing himself to people THROUGH PEOPLE!  We hear the stories of Joseph, Deborah, Miriam, David, Rahab, Naomi, Ruth … Jesus and the guys, the Marys … Paul, Priscilla, Timothy … and the story continues!  You know about Jesus because someone told someone who told someone, down through the centuries until somehow you found truth and hope.  Don’t let the story stop with you!  Use this opportunity to tell what you’ve experienced.  Share your insights, your victories, your struggles and your questions, but most of all, share yourself and who Jesus is in your life.

IF you can, write your story (keep it SHORT, no longer than this email) and send it to . This is me nudging you toward a blessing, not an assignment.  :)  Let this be your thought as you journey today.  Ask, "Lord Jesus, remind me today of one thing I can share about you."

“LORD, thank you for telling your story through people so that I can know you. Please use my story to help someone else find you. "

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