Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Journey, Day 2

"Really, God!  What do you want from me?  How busy is busy enough?  Am I serving enough?  Do my kids have every opportunity imaginable or have I missed some activity?  Is my house clean enough, redecorated enough, cool enough?  Am I thin enough?  Young enough? Rich enough?  Am I volunteering enough?  Doing enough good things? Am I at least trying hard enough?  Why am I right on the edge all the time? God, your blessings can be so exhausting!"

Enough is not a Biblical standard ... it is our own measure, often unattainable.
Today, will you just set it all down and listen?

Micah 6:8  "He (God) has shown you people what is good.  And what does the LORD require of you?  To act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God."

THAT'S IT. My guess is that you can't accomplish the first paragraph in the spirit of this verse, so something is going to have to give.

Dear, dear beloved one of God, hear this caution.  Don't work so hard to be enough.  You already are enough.  Realize that when you teach by example and schedule that busyness and muchness is good and expected, your children and those who watch your life will turn out even more exhausted than you are.  (read that again ... carefully)

You are enough.  What God cares about is you, just as you are, walking with him.  Breathe. What will it look like to let him walk with you on your journey today?  (hint: don't do all the talking)

"LORD God, please walk with me today.  Maybe as I learn to praise you by living in your company I'll start to see more of you in the person I am becoming. Amen"